Regissør Sam Mendes opplevde i vinter enorm suksess med Skyfall, som har blitt tidenes mest innbringende James Bond-film. Men nå har han likevel takket nei til å ta på seg oppgaven med å regissere den neste, som midlertidig går under tittelen Bond 24.
Det er Empire som i dag bringer nyheten, etter at de i samtale med Mendes selv fikk den eksklusive kommentaren:
«It has been a very difficult decision not to accept Michael and Barbara’s very generous offer to direct the next Bond movie,» explained Mendes. «DirectingSkyfall was one of the best experiences of my professional life, but I have theatre and other commitments, including productions of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and King Lear, that need my complete focus over the next year and beyond.»
Bond-produsentene Michael G. Wilson og Barbara Broccoli har deretter sendt en uttalelse til Empire:
«We thoroughly enjoyed working with Sam, he directed our most successful Bond movie ever, Skyfall. We would have loved to have made the next film with him but completely respect his decision to focus on other projects and hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with him again.»
Alle er altså venner, men Sam Mendes forlater Bond-serien for denne gang. Så kommer det naturlige spørsmålet: Hvem bør regissere Bond 24?