Sofia Coppola er klar for Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father

Mye tyder på at Sofia Coppola trekkes mot et nytt prosjekt – en filmatisering av Alysia Abbotts roman Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father.

Ifølge The Playlist har American Zoetrope – produksjonsselskapet til Sofias far, Francis Ford Coppola – kjøpt opp rettighetene til romanen, som skal utarbeides til et filmmanus av Sofia Coppola og Andrew Durham (som produserte hennes kortfilmdebut Lick The Star). I tillegg skal Roman Coppola, som var produsent på både Somewhere og The Bling Ring, være tilknyttet prosjektet som co-produsent.

Synopsiset til Fairyland: A Memoir of My Father lyder som følger:

After his wife dies in a car accident, bisexual writer and activist Steve Abbott moves in with his two-year-old daughter to San Francisco. There they discover a city in the midst of revolution, bustling with gay men in search of liberation – few of whom are raising a child.

Steve throws himself into San Francisco’s vibrant cultural scene. He takes Alysia to raucous parties, pushes her in front of the microphone at poetry readings, and introduces her to a world of artists, thinkers, and writers. But the pair live like nomads, moving from apartment to apartment, with a revolving cast of roommates and little structure. As a child Alysia views her father as a loving playmate who can transform the ordinary into magic, but as she gets older Alysia wants more than anything to fit in. The world, she learns, is hostile to difference.

In Alysia’s teens, Steve’s friends – several of whom she has befriended – fall ill as AIDS starts its rampage through their community. While Alysia is studying in New York and then in France, her father tells her it’s time to come home; he’s sick with AIDS. Alysia must choose whether to take on the responsibility of caring for her father or continue the independent life she has worked so hard to create.

På bakgrunn av far-datter tematikken – og det faktum at Sofia Coppola aldri har skrevet et manus hun ikke har endt opp med å regissere selv – stiller vi oss håpefulle bak The Playlists antagelse. En ny film av vår tids Antonioni tas alltid imot med åpne armer.