Søkeresultat for "Media Mir Foundation":

Thomas Vinterberg lager ny versjon av Brødrene Løvehjerte med amerikansk selskap finansiert av arabiske penger
Astrid Lindgrens Brødrene Løvehjerte er et mesterverk fra den nordiske barne- og ungdomslitteraturen. Nå er filmrettighetene kjøpt av et amerikansk selskap (med arabiske oljepenger), og Thomas Vinterberg skal regissere en ny versjon.

Patriarkalsk pute-tv om finkulturflørt: Fenomenet Familien Nerdrum [2]
Hva er det med NRKs Familien Nerdrum som trekker oss inn, hypnotiserer og engasjerer så sterkt? Hva røper serien om NRKs forsøk på å hevde seg blant digitale tv-aktører? Og hvilke kunstneriske visjoner er det familien bringer til torgs? [2]

The Holy Ideology and its misogynistic treatise: Ali Abbasi’s Holy Spider
Holy Spider portrays threats and terrors rising from 'holy' ideologies with their claims of supremacy. It portrays a narcissistic narrative about a hegemonic ideology that ensures its persistence by masquerading as holy, whereas, in truth, it threatens humankind.

What makes a film festival truly great? Searching for clues at Karlovy Vary’s 50th Anniversary
The festival – of film or anything else – is a powerful modern symbol of freedom and, at its best, an astonishing outpouring of human creativity. It depends on a delicate balancing-act between order and spontaneity, however.

Genuinely socialist: The Midnight Sun Film Festival [2]
Like many of its own films, the Midnight Sun Film Festival remains true to perhaps the greatest cinematic – and human – aspiration of them all: to express an understanding of, and solidarity with, all the others washed up with us here on this strange little planet of ours. [2]

The Dupes by Tawfiq Saleh: More Tired Than Anyone Should Be
Tewfik Saleh's The Dupes (1972) serves as a reminder of cinema's potential to incite social change and foster cross-cultural empathy. By amplifying Palestinian voices and challenging dominant narratives, it advocates for human rights and justice.