Premieren på Christopher Nolans Interstellar er blant høstens mest etterlengtede filmbegivenheter, og forventningene til filmen har vært til å både føle og ta på. Nå er de første internasjonale anmeldelsene publisert, og dommen er splittet, eller rettere sagt, spredt.
Hadde terningkastet vært den globale standarden, så ville man, ut fra de ferske mottagelsene å dømme, kunne anta at Interstellar ville dekke hele rekka fra terningkast 2 (The Playlist) til 6 (Indiewire). De fleste av kritikerne virker å være enige om at filmen er både visuelt ambisiøs og imponerende. Det de strides om er hvordan Nolan har valgt å løse det tematiske.
Vi har ungått spoilere, men om du ønsker å være helt uvitende om Interstellar før du ser den, slutt å lese nå. Mye av kritikken mot Interstellar kan oppsummeres i Alonso Duraldes avsluttende setning i sin omtale for The Wrap: «Interstellar is a film that isn’t afraid to brush up against the edges of infinity; it’s just too bad it has no idea how to navigate the voyage back.»
Les noen av de første reaksjonene på Interstellar her:
- «Interstellar reaffirms Nolan as the premier big-canvas storyteller of his generation, more than earning its place alongside The Wizard of Oz, 2001, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Gravity in the canon of Hollywood’s visionary sci-fi head trips.» – Scott Foundas, Variety
- «Nolan’s personal response to his favorite film, 2001: A Space Odyssey, this grandly conceived and executed epic tries to give equal weight to intimate human emotions and speculation about the cosmos, with mixed results, but is never less than engrossing, and sometimes more than that. (…) Critical and public reaction will range across the horizon, from the mesmeric to outright rejection for arguably hokey contrivances.» – Todd McCarthy, The Hollywood Reporter
- «To paraphrase Nolan‘s The Dark Knight, we don’t get the prestige filmmakers we need, we get the ones we deserve. And one of the ones we seemingly deserve is Nolan himself, a filmmaker with a keen visual sense but also one who undercuts the big, challenging ideas of his movies with unnecessarily tidy resolutions.» – Alonso Duralde, The Wrap
- «Interstellar looks remarkable. It’s the best introduction of scientific theory into blockbuster cinema since Nolan’s state-of-consciousness thriller, Inception. (…) Nolan’s post-Batman epic gens up on the physics, gets down with the grandeur, rattles down a wormhole and gets lost in space.» – Henry Barnes, The Guardian
- «After all the jaw-dropping cinematography and carefully-buffed CGI, in fact, Interstellar winds up fitting into a fairly narrow and deeply tired sub-genre alongside films like Frequency, Contact, and even Field of Dreams: Dad Issues from Dimension X. It’s impossible to not admire the technical achievements of Interstellar, but as Michael Bay and so much more modern moviegoing has proved, rapturous visuals can’t make up for a ruptured script.» – James Rocchi, The Playlist
- «Nolan can do so much with such a grand canvas and studio money shows the extent to which he has managed to carve out a niche in the industry. Brainy and exciting at the same time, Interstellar invalidates the need for mindless Hollywood product. No matter its shortcomings, the movie achieves an impressive balancing act. It turns the mysteries of the universe into a cinematic playground, but for every profound or visually arresting moment, it also encourages you to to think.» – Eric Kohn, Indiewire
For noen vil nok den ujevne mottagelsen bremse forventningene litt, og for andre vil det være som bensin på bålet. Hva er deres forventninger til Interstellar? Gi oss en pekepinn i kommentarfeltet.
Interstellar har norsk kinopremiere den 7. november.