International EditionThe Sixth Sense, Part III: Motifs and a FuneralAv Dag SødtholtWe conclude our in-depth analysis of M. Night Shyamalan's masterpiece with a close look at motifs and structural aspects, concluding with a shot-by-shot commentary on the post-funeral sequence.
International EditionThe Sixth Sense, Part II: Beginnings and Ends [1]Av Dag SødtholtA visual analysis of key scenes of M. Night Shyamalan's masterpiece and his virtuoso use of motifs, staging and interconnectedness to achieve coherence and closure. [1]
OmtaleJoe Wrights Anna Karenina balanserer glimrende mellom form og innhold [2]Av Atli BjarnasonJoe Wright har laget den ørtende filmatiseringen av Anna Karenina, men lykkes ved hjelp av dristige formgrep. [2]