Topplister5 høydepunkter fra fotograf Tak Fujimotos karriereFotograf Tak Fujimoto signerte sin første spillefilm med Terrence Malicks Badlands i 1973 – en klassiker som nå fyller femti år, og som denne uken vises på Cinematekene rundt om i landet. Vi ser på fem høydepunkter fra Fujimotos karriere.
TrailerSe traileren til M. Night Shyamalans neste film, OldDen amerikanske auteuren M. Night Shyamalan (Den sjette sansen, Split) returnerer med et nytt filmmysterium, Old, basert på Pierre Oscar Lévy og Frederik Peeters grafiske roman Sandcastle. Den ferske traileren […]
It Follows, del 1: Ondskapen inntar Suburbia [30]Av Dag SødtholtDavid Robert Mitchells It Follows vekker ærefrykt langt utenfor skrekkfilmentusiastenes rekker. Denne første av i alt tre artikler skal se på 10 mulige innganger til filmen, og forsøke å sette ord og bilder på hva som gjør den så spesiell. [30]
Unbreakable, Part III: Visual styleAv Dag SødtholtM. Night Shyamalan's visual style consists of a series of recurring formal devices. Watching Unbreakable feels like participating in a ritual where these devices are applied and reapplied, in new variations and combinations.
International EditionUnbreakable, Part II: Motifs and colourAv Dag SødtholtM. Night Shyamalan's enigmatic superhero thriller is a film where everything seems to be connected to everything else. We look at various motifs and colour codings that move in intricate and sometimes very strange patterns.
International EditionUnbreakable, Part I: Characters and relationshipsAv Dag SødtholtOur in-depth look at M. Night Shyamalan's early films continues with Unbreakable: perhaps the only mainstream Hollywood formalist film, a mass-market movie approached with an unrelenting European art film sensibility.
M. Night Shyamalan og Bruce Willis gjenforenes i Labor Of Love [4]Av Truls FossIfølge filmnettstedet Deadline gjenforenes M. Night Shyamalan og Bruce Willis med regissørens ellevte spillefilm, et overnaturlig kjærlighetsdrama som går under tittelen Labor Of Love. [4]
International EditionThe Sixth Sense, Part III: Motifs and a FuneralAv Dag SødtholtWe conclude our in-depth analysis of M. Night Shyamalan's masterpiece with a close look at motifs and structural aspects, concluding with a shot-by-shot commentary on the post-funeral sequence.
International EditionThe Sixth Sense, Part II: Beginnings and Ends [1]Av Dag SødtholtA visual analysis of key scenes of M. Night Shyamalan's masterpiece and his virtuoso use of motifs, staging and interconnectedness to achieve coherence and closure. [1]
International EditionThe Sixth Sense, Part I: Stature and Style [1]Av Dag SødtholtA stunning piece of high-precision filmmaking, formally inventive, thematically intelligent, emotionally gripping, a momentous commercial success, an almost perfect film. [1]
International EditionLady in the Water, Part II: Self-reflexivity and visual stylisation [3]Av Dag SødtholtA return to this severely under-appreciated film, for its discussion of storytelling, interpretation, film criticism, artificiality, stylisation, interconnectedness – and whether stories can become real. [3]
International EditionLady in the Water, Part I: A reappraisal [1]Av Dag SødtholtIt was one of the most hated films of the 2000s, but with the trauma now at a distance, it is time to appreciate M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water for its very real qualities. [1]