Søkeresultat for "Hold Up Films":
What makes a film festival truly great? Searching for clues at Karlovy Vary’s 50th Anniversary
The festival – of film or anything else – is a powerful modern symbol of freedom and, at its best, an astonishing outpouring of human creativity. It depends on a delicate balancing-act between order and spontaneity, however.
The Deep Darkies of the Soul: M. Night Shyamalan organically swings in The Visit
"You have to laugh to keep the deep darkies in a cave." Shyamalan's most audacious film presents a bizarre mix of knowing irony, youthful naivete, mental illness, comedic horror and tonal shifts, yet everything seamlessly works.
«I often end up all alone at night in my hotel room»: Om Chantal Akermans filmforfatterskap
«Noe som føles magisk når jeg ser filmene til Chantal Akerman, er det uspektakulære, ikke-sensasjonelle: Alt bare er, som det er – ofte uproduktivt, sykelig, håpløst. Hun vier tomheten sin fulle oppmerksomhet og krever at seeren gjør det samme. Ta det eller forlat det.»
The Dupes by Tawfiq Saleh: More Tired Than Anyone Should Be
Tewfik Saleh's The Dupes (1972) serves as a reminder of cinema's potential to incite social change and foster cross-cultural empathy. By amplifying Palestinian voices and challenging dominant narratives, it advocates for human rights and justice.
Filmkritikerprisen 2024 til Ellos eatnu – La elva leve – Tommy Lørdahl vant hedersprisen Budbringeren
Ole Giævers film Ellos eatnu – La elva leve gjorde storeslem under utdelingen av Filmkritikerprisen i går, da den vant samtlige tre kategorier, inkludert prisen for beste norske langfilm. Hedersprisen […]