Søkeresultat for "History Films":
«I will continue to make my films» – en samtale med den iranske regissøren Mohammad Rasoulof
Film fra sør 2017: Den iranske regissøren Mohammad Rasoulof nektes utreise fra Iran for å besøke Oslo med sin nye film Mannen mot strømmen, og i samtale med Montages utbroderer den viljesterke filmskaperen om sin situasjon.
What makes a film festival truly great? Searching for clues at Karlovy Vary’s 50th Anniversary
The festival – of film or anything else – is a powerful modern symbol of freedom and, at its best, an astonishing outpouring of human creativity. It depends on a delicate balancing-act between order and spontaneity, however.
The Deep Darkies of the Soul: M. Night Shyamalan organically swings in The Visit
"You have to laugh to keep the deep darkies in a cave." Shyamalan's most audacious film presents a bizarre mix of knowing irony, youthful naivete, mental illness, comedic horror and tonal shifts, yet everything seamlessly works.
Sight and Sound har kåret tidenes beste filmer – vi diskuterer resultatet [7]
Chantal Akermans Jeanne Dielman (1975) steg til topps på Sight and Sound sin kåring av tidenes beste filmer. Listen ledet straks til debatt blant filminteresserte over hele verden – her er Montages-redaktørene Lars Ole Kristiansen og Hedda Robertsens dialog om resultatet. [7]
Joachim Trier’s Louder Than Bombs is a sophisticated, genuinely taciturn beast [1]
Cannes 2015: Louder Than Bombs refuses to dole out easy answers, but is pregnant with an inquisitiveness about existence and human psychology. It's such a rich film that it's difficult to amply parse in a single sitting. [1]
The Dupes by Tawfiq Saleh: More Tired Than Anyone Should Be
Tewfik Saleh's The Dupes (1972) serves as a reminder of cinema's potential to incite social change and foster cross-cultural empathy. By amplifying Palestinian voices and challenging dominant narratives, it advocates for human rights and justice.
Oscar-sesongen 2019 er sparket i gang – her er prisvinnerne fra Gotham Awards og National Board of Review [2]
Selv om årets Oscar-priser ikke deles ut før søndag 24. februar 2019, har praten om årets mulige Oscar-filmer gått aktivt helt siden filmfestivalen i Venezia i begynnelsen av september. Denne […] [2]