Blade Runner 2049: Cells interlinked (English version)Av Dag SødtholtDette er en engelskspråklig utgave av den norske artikkelen av samme navn, supplert med et nytt vedlegg med innspill fra diverse Facebook-diskusjoner om Denis Villeneuves film.
Digital restaurering og ambisiøs retrospektiv gir oss endelig alle Andrej Tarkovskijs filmer på Blu-ray [7]Av Karsten MeinichI Stobritannia slippes denne våren en komplett retrospektiv på kino av digitalt restaurerte kopier av alle de syv Tarkovskij-filmene, etterfulgt av komplette utgivelser på Blu-ray. [7]
Louder Than Bombs: Joachim Trier’s play on perspectiveAv Dag SødtholtAs so often in films, Louder Than Bombs is not a dissertation, but a meditation on its themes and motifs. Seen in isolation, words and deeds may seem unexceptional – it is as a whole that Joachim Trier film takes flight.
International EditionInterlinked: Adapting the Cyberpunk World of Blade RunnerAv Isak EngerWhat happens as the cyberpunk elements in Blade Runner are adapted and changed in Blade Runner 2049, brought into both the fictional future Los Angeles, as well as the cultural context of 2017?
International EditionLady in the Water, Part II: Self-reflexivity and visual stylisation [3]Av Dag SødtholtA return to this severely under-appreciated film, for its discussion of storytelling, interpretation, film criticism, artificiality, stylisation, interconnectedness – and whether stories can become real. [3]
Promomateriale fra Antichrist skaper blest i StorbritanniaAv Lars Ole KristiansenMesterverket Antichrist støter folk nesten uansett hvor den vises, og i Storbritannia har mange allerede reagert sterkt på promomaterialet for filmen, som har britisk premiere i morgen. Cineuropa skriver: “The […]
Joachim Trier’s Thelma (2017) Part I: What does it all mean?Av Dag SødtholtZeitgeist is replaced by timelessness, chamber music by a symphony. The systematically unpredictable Thelma is Joachim Trier and his team's most sonorous, lyrical and adventurous film.
International EditionUnbreakable, Part II: Motifs and colourAv Dag SødtholtM. Night Shyamalan's enigmatic superhero thriller is a film where everything seems to be connected to everything else. We look at various motifs and colour codings that move in intricate and sometimes very strange patterns.
International EditionMaria by Callas by VolfAv Joakim ParslowTom Volf's film Maria by Callas is by no means the first documentary about Maria Callas, by many considered to be the twentieth century’s greatest opera singer. Why, then, make yet another film?
International EditionLady in the Water, Part I: A reappraisal [1]Av Dag SødtholtIt was one of the most hated films of the 2000s, but with the trauma now at a distance, it is time to appreciate M. Night Shyamalan's Lady in the Water for its very real qualities. [1]
After Earth, Part I: Much better than you thinkAv Dag SødtholtWith the artistic, commercial and critical success of his two latest films, it is about time to soberly unearth the very real qualities of M. Night Shyamalan's disproportionally maligned middle period.
International EditionM. Night Shyamalan’s Old: Twelve against timeAv Dag SødtholtAlthough the framing story and twist are surprisingly prosaic, for long stretches of the main body M. Night Shyamalan's Old conjures up a combination of tension, absurdity and chaos that few other films have achieved.
Unbreakable, Part III: Visual styleAv Dag SødtholtM. Night Shyamalan's visual style consists of a series of recurring formal devices. Watching Unbreakable feels like participating in a ritual where these devices are applied and reapplied, in new variations and combinations.